Grants Distributed During Financial Year End March 2022

Alex’s Wish £29,000 The Brothers Trust is helping to fund research into Duchenne - an aggressive form of Muscular Dystrophy that affects 1 in every 3,500 boys born. Every single muscle is destroyed due to a lack of protein and this also affects the heart and lungs, so boys typically only live until their mid-late twenties. This grant went towards general research.

Artists for Africa $9,000 This grant gives Kenyan children from under privileged backgrounds a safe home to grow up in, where they have opportunities beyond anything their backgrounds would have ever provided.

Debra £75,000 This money will enable Debra to buy another chalet to give families some much-needed holiday in beautiful surroundings.

EBRP $97,500 This grant assists EBRP who fund research to find a cure for EB.

Empowerment Plan $110,000 This supported the overall mission of the Empowerment Plan to help permanently break the generational cycles of poverty, homelessness, and unemployment. Huge impact on changing lives. Offers skills training and employment for homeless people in Detroit in manufacturing specially designed coats/sleeping bags for homeless people, which are distributed globally.

John Foundation $63,000 Our grants help fund truly life-changing opportunities. John Foundation rescues vulnerable children and young adults from being trafficked; providing education, medical care, training, and employable skills for an independent future. In particular this year supporting a pharmacy training course and lab facilities.

Kares 4 Kids $25,000 We are supporting a number of different projects. Helping to fund a drama program for individuals with autism including the cost of sets, costumes and scripts and to supplement the cost for participants. Also we help over 300 under privileged children play on soccer teams this year - equipping and empowering youth to WIN on the Field and in Life through the influence of mentor coaches. And 2 JoyRistas (JavaJoy) will be sponsored for an entire year to be able to participate in the program designed to help older physically challenged adults have positive employment.

The Lunchbowl Network This helped fund operational salary costs for teachers at both the kindergarten and the primary school. Hugely transformational impact and through education, providing a route out of poverty. The Lunchbowl Network educates and feeds over 400 of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. This year we have also bought some amazing classroom smart boards, helped fund the unit for deaf children and also fund a Speech & Language Therapist which has been life changing for students and their families.

Mama Biashara £10,000 This small charity helps to support women and children leaving abusive relationships in Kenya and providing training and employment. This grant will rescue 700-800 women with an average of 2 children (so, 700/800 children) each from a life of violence (tribal/domestic/sexual and/or extreme physical) and fear.

Momentum £110,000 This contributed to funding 3 of their essential Support Care Workers Team, which is at the core of everything Momentum offers to help families through extremely difficult times. A Family Support Worker, is assigned to each family, with the aim of offering emotional and practical support to the family, to try and ease the stress of dealing with the enormous strain of caring for their seriously ill child.

stem4 £27,500 This UK based mental health charity supports teenagers and their families by providing phone apps which can be used globally. Our grant has specifically helped to fund Head Ed which provides clinically informed, trusted resources delivered in a safe space to inform on some of the most commonly occurring mental health concerns in young people such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders and self harm. By opening up the conversation and reducing the stigma, it is hoped that young people will gain an enhanced understanding of what to look out for in both themselves and those around them to encourage early identification and intervention, thus avoiding prolonged distress and avoiding the need for further clinical intervention.

Story Book Dads £13,000 This charity allows families to reconnect through the magic of storytelling. They help parents in prison to record bedtime stories and messages for their children on CD or DVD. We are also supporting some projects which act as icebreakers when parents see their children and also funding people released from prison to assist with editing from home.

Warmheart $10,000 helping elderly people living in remote areas of Thailand.