Myra's represents The Brothers Trust on the Spider-Man Far From Home junket

 The Spider-Man Far From Home press junket in London was timely with an announcement we can make about an exciting new venture for us that - The Brothers Trust merchandise is finally approved and we are almost ready to launch.

And Tom was able to wear our first Brothers Trust T-shirt when being interviewed by Myra Ali. As you will see in this video, Myra has EB - and so this is the perfect way to launch this initiative since all the proceeds it generates will go to Debra - the charity charged with combatting EB. Just raising awareness about EB and Debra is a worthwhile exercise and expertly done by Myra.

Doubly exciting about this new venture is that we are able to complete a funding circle.

The John Foundation in India is a charity we have mentioned on our website previously. Established by a doctor and his wife in Hyderabad, India.

The Brothers Trust awarded the John Foundation $30,000 to build a new refuge home in India to house and train young women and children from dreadful circumstances and poverty; to offer them security, love and most importantly vital training to become self sufficient and independent again. This included mastering over-locking machines used in the textile industry.

Our Brothers Trust T-shirts will be manufactured in Hyderabad, in a factory who employs graduates of the John Foundation, so that they can generate an income for themselves and any profits that we generate will be given to Debra.

This arrangement has taken some considerable time and effort with various designs and to’ing and fro’ing with communications and samples with India. Our thanks to @bentallon for his design and for Tim Morris, a family friend who has visited The John Foundation and first brought them to our attention.

The T-shirts should be available in the next six weeks. At this stage, it is likely that they will be sold via our website but if logistics allow, they might be available also via the network of Debra shops.

This was a very special day for Myra and for Tom. Myra would like to work in journalism and seeing how well she performed in this video augurs well. Myra is active on social media (distraction is the most potent method of enduring the pain associated with EB) and so any follows and/or mentions of Myra will be most welcome - she is easily found on instagram, @myraaliedit